Scouting Resources
Here you will find useful Scouting resources to aid in your Scouting career and Troop planning.
Camping 101 Planning - Planning document for Troop 7365 Camping 101 campout.
Where to Go Camping - This publication details the various amenities of each camp including information on the facilities, costs, locations, and camping spaces, which can be found in the links provided, in addition to information for state and national parks in the area.
Merit Badges
The BSA merit badge process is as follows:
The Scout develops an interest in a merit badge and may begin working on the requirements.
The Scout and unit leader discuss the Scout’s interest in the merit badge.
The unit leader approves in Scoutbook or signs a blue card and provides the Scout with at least one counselor contact.
The Scout contacts the counselor.
The counselor considers any work toward requirements completed prior to the initial discussion with the unit leader.
The Scout, the Scout’s buddy, and the counselor meet (often several times).
The Scout finishes the requirements.
The counselor approves completion.
The counselor completes the merit badge in Scoutbook or the Scout returns the signed blue card to the unit leader, who signs the applicant record section of the blue card
The unit leader gives the Scout the applicant record.
The unit reports completion of the merit badge.
The Scout receives the merit badge.
Merit Badge Requirements - The requirements posted here are the most current, accurate, and official. This will always be the best place to find the most up-to-date requirements.
Merit Badge Pamphlets - You should read the merit badge pamphlet on the subject. Pamphlets are available for sale online or can be checked out from the Troop library.
Merit Badge Workbooks - Workbooks are unofficial and optional; you will still need the merit badge pamphlet and requirements. Workbooks can help you organize your thoughts as you prepare to meet with your merit badge counselor. If a requirement states "show", "demonstrate", or "discuss", then every Scout must do that with their counselor; just filling out the workbook is not sufficient!
Eagle Scout
Polaris District Advancement Committee - Eagle Scout Project approval and Eagle Scout Board of Review processes.